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Preserving Your Memories of This Tour

Keeping a Travel Journal

Choose a journal: Consider the size, weight, and durability of the journal. Something you can throw into a day bag and write in when you have time on long coach rides, is ideal.

Record memories: Keep memorabilia like postcards, photos, maps, wrappers, and tickets. If you leave spaces between entries, ypu can return to them after the tour and insert little keepsakes.

Jot down points for a future trip: Use your journal to plan ideas for a future trip if you choose to return. You can also record your travel goals and favorite moments/places. 

Capture your feelings, things overheard, a word picture of an unfolding moment: Use your journal to create memories you can re-visit and re-live. The more you record specific details of things happening in the moment, the more vibrant and meaningful your entries will be.


Reflect: Even though it may be a lot to process, your journal entries are richer when you include what questions your experiences and interactions raise; or what you are learning through these moments.


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A Different Way of Seeing

See Differently

India turns your world inside out. Kaleidoscopic magic dips every moment in high-gloss technicolor. Faces and places are full of stories. And when you open up and make yourself part of the scene, rather than remain an observer on the sidelines, you discover an India that is defies imagination. !ncredible !ndia.

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